lead me to the rock that is higher than I
I was reading "Searching For God Knows What" last night (great read, I highly recommend it) and I read a quote that Donald Miller found in a poem by Maya Angelou. It slapped me right across the face. I'll be honest, I've never been much of a Maya Angelou fan, but I see the wisdom that comes from this one line, this one section of all of her work, and I know that she's a blessed woman:
"But today, the Rock cries out to us,
clearly, forcefully,
Come, you may stand upon my
Back and face your distant destiny!"
First of all, I get this visual when I read this. I see me. I see me walking in a forest. I am just aimlessly walking, kind of feeling my way around, making decisions about where to go based on the limited vision that I have. I'm lost. I have a general idea of where home is... it's just so far away. I know that I can't find my way out unless I stand on something to help me out. I try these smaller rocks, and they help me a little bit. Some show me just a little bit of what I need to see. Some would have me go in the opposite direction that I know leads to home. Some don't help me at all, but are really slippery and I go crashing to the ground, bloody and bruised. I am completely helpless. I hate feeling helpless.
Then, I see this giant rock. It's calling to me. I can almost hear the still, small voice in the wind. "Julie," it whispers and shouts at the same time, "come, you may stand on my back and face your distant destiny." Scared, but knowing I need to know which way to go, I begin my ascent to the peak. The peak where I will know where home is, where my destiny is to be fulfilled. It's going to take a long time to get there. It may be a lifetime of slips (never complete falls, though), level areas, false hopes of finally reaching the top, and the encouragement of the breeze that shows up just when I need it.
This is life. Life can only be lived when we are on the Rock. Only then will we really see the true potential we were created for. Only then will we be content, only then will we be fulfilled.
I'm sorry, some of you have been my rocks that I've stood on. Some of you may have unintentionally misdirected me. I'm sorry if I was your rock too.
"I'm a Doubting Thomas, I'll take your promise,
though I know nothing's safe.
Oh me of little faith."
Doubting Thomas- Nickel Creek
Nothing's Safe.